Joe Pienaar - Joe is the Curate at St Chad's Church. Part of his role is as Youth & Community worker for the Cherry Tree Community. He and his wife Cat also live in the community. Joe and Cat are responsible for leading the Youth work and have an open door policy at their house if anyone needs to chat. Please say hello if you see them around. If you have any questions please ask Joe and he will normally point you in the right direction.

If you have any questions, please email

Inge Challinor  - Inge is a resident and volunteer in the community. She is great if you fancy a chat. Feel free to drop in at the Community Shop where you will find her most days.

Inge also signposts residents to career advice, basic maths and english tuition and other further education in the Stockport area.

If you have any questions, please email





James Neal - James has joined us from Nottingham University and is our latest addition to the team. He will be around most days so please stop him make him welcome and say hello! He doesn't look as wild as this in real life!! :O)

If you have any questions for him email

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