Cherry Tree Partners

This group was formed four years ago to get the best available service and advice for the residents in Cherry Tree. Apart from the local residents, the partners involved include: Community Development; local councillors; St Chad's Church; Stockport Homes; Police; Youth Services; Youth Offending Team; Connexions; Play Development and the Primary Care Trust.


The involvement of the agencies changes depending on the needs and projects we are looking at in Cherry Tree. For instance 3 years ago we where looking at starting a Youth provision on the estate.


The youth provision is up and running and very successful and we also have a weekly Connexions worker at the community shop to offer help and advice for 13-19 year olds. This includes career advice, help with your CV and finding work. Stockport Homes and local councillors run regular surgeries.


This year we are looking much more at general health and well-being. The Primary Care Trust will be offering health checks for men, watch out for this! Age concern has launched a devise called the “Companion”, that is available for anybody over 50 and enables residents who are for whatever reason struggling with their food shopping to give them some independence in ordering themselves.


Last but not least a new group has formed as part of the Partnership, the Friends of Tangshutt. The FoT are looking at improving the path leading from Cherry Tree (along Tangshutt) into Romiley, a walking bus, health walks and lots more.


The Cherry Tree Partners have also run two family fun days over the last two years. Why not check them out!!!

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